Change New Mail Notification Sound in Windows 10

When Windows 10 shows a notification, e.g. when you need to update your Defender signatures or need to perform some action related to system maintenance, a sound is played by default. However, for a new email message, Windows 10 plays an individual sound. Here's how to change or disable it.

Windows 10 comes with a Universal app, "Mail". The app is intended to provide basic email functionality to Windows 10 users. It supports multiple accounts, comes with preset settings to quickly add mail accounts from popular services, and includes all the essential functionality to read, send and receive emails.

The Mail app allows taking notes on pictures or adding a drawing using a pen or your finger. Go to the Draw tab in the ribbon to get started.

Also, the Mail app comes with the ability to customize the app's background image, as described in the post Change Mail App Background to Custom Color in Windows 10.

If you want to change or disable the new mail notification sound in Windows 10, you need to open the classic Sounds applet. Let's see how it can be done.

To Change The New Mail Notification Sound in Windows 10,

  1. Open the Settings app.
  2. Go to Personalization > Themes.
  3. On the right, click on the Sounds button.Windows 10 Personalization Sounds Icon
  4. In the Sound dialog, scroll to New Mail Notification in the Program Events list.Windows 10 Mail Notification Sound Dialog
  5. To disable the mail notification sound in Windows 10, select (None) in the Sounds drop down list.Windows 10 Disable Mail Notification Sound
  6. To change the mail notification sound in Windows 10, click the Browse button to pick a WAV file.<a href=Windows 10 Change Mail Notification Sound To A Custom Sound Original" width="854" height="755" />
  7. Alternatively, you can select any other sound from the drop down list and you are done. These sounds are the *.wav files stored in the C:\Windows\Media folder.<a href=Windows 10 Change Mail Notification Sound To A Default Sound" width="400" height="472" />
  8. Click Apply and OK buttons to close the Sound dialog.

Finally, the Sounds applet can also be opened from the classic Control Panel. Open it and go to Control Panel\Hardware and Sound. There, click on the Sound icon.

You will be able to access the Sounds dialog the same way you do it in Windows 7 and Windows 8.

Note: Changing your current sound scheme will reset your custom new mail notification sound. Also, changing your theme may also reset it the new theme comes with its own settings for Windows sounds.

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Author: Sergey Tkachenko

Sergey Tkachenko is a software developer who started Winaero back in 2011. On this blog, Sergey is writing about everything connected to Microsoft, Windows and popular software. Follow him on Telegram, Twitter, and YouTube. View all posts by Sergey Tkachenko

One thought on “Change New Mail Notification Sound in Windows 10”

Amanda says:

I did all that was told of me for outlook and for the win 10 mail app. I get the normal “ding” notification sound for a new email, but the wave file I have (which is kept on my desktop) although I chose that new wave file it still uses the DING sound file. Do you happen to know why? I’ve tried everything!

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