Preparing The Petition For Probate

A person who has priority for appointment but does not wish to serve may decline and nominate another person as personal representative.

There is no special or printed form to nominate or decline to serve. You must prepare an attachment for each person as a part of the Petition for Probate. A person named as executor may also decline to serve as executor and nominate another person, but an executor does not have the right to name a successor executor or co-executor.

Step 2
Give proper notice by mail to all interested persons.

Step 3
Arrange for publication in the proper newspaper. (List of local newspapers)

Step 4
File the Proof of Service by Mail (see section on "Who should get notice") and Proof of Publication (see section on "How do I publish") with the court.

Step 5
File your Bond, if required.

Step 6
Appear before the court at the scheduled hearing date. After the hearing, file the signed Order for Probate and Letters in the Clerk's Office and get certified copies, if desired.

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