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#RevCon13 – The BRW and the Data Connectors

On April 18, 2013 April 18, 2013 By Martyn Phillips In Conference

Revelation Software 2013 Conference Logo

With the first of the O4W training sessions behind us, it is time to choose between two new breakout sessions. During this session Mike Ruane will go up against Bob Carten in a clash of the titans.

Banded Report Writer – Practical Examples, Tips and Tricks
Bob Carten (Revelation)
I have done a fair amount of work with the Banded Report Writer (BRW) during my Archery Club Manager development project and I have come to like the tool very much. Whilst it can be a little frustrating at times and you have to understand the way that it has been designed and works, the tool is very powerful and you can create some really very nice formatted reports with graphics, exploding reports, etc.

The OpenInsight BRW therefore delivers the benefit of a robust reporting tool but at the cost of a steep learning curve. During his presentation, Bob will step through creating some commonly used report formats and discuss some of the techniques and approaches for getting exactly what you want from the BRW.

Bob will create reports which demonstrate such commonly used features such as calculations, sub reports and graphs. The talk is aimed at people who have looked at the BRW and are interested in using it for more than simple tabular reports. Bob will also show how to launch the reports from OpenInsight.

Using OpenInsight with Non-OI Data sources
Mike Ruane (Revelation)
Given the power of OpenInsight’s desktop and web interface design tools and its programming tools, we are often asked whether OpenInsight can be used as a front end to other database technologies such as SQL and many of the other MultiValue databases. Whilst OpenInsight applications are usually made to work the OpenInsight’s own Linear Hash data source, they work as well with other databases, such as SQL, QM, D3, and other MultiValue databases.

In this session, Mike will show the tools used to connect to these third party databases, show OpenInsight’s tools working with these databases, and talk about specific issues that an OpenInsight developer might come across whilst working with each of these data sources.

If you have the need to have your application, whether desktop based, or browser-based, work with other data sources like SQL or Access, you should attend this session.